Vigil for Dea-John Reid / Campaigning for Dea-John’s Law

Vigil to be held on 31st May 6.30 p.m. in Kingstanding Birmingham in memory of Dea-John Reid

A candlelit vigil is being held on Friday 31st May 2024 at 6.30pm in College Road Kingstanding Birmingham (opposite McDonalds) in commemoration of Dea-John Reid.

Dea-John Reid a 14-year-old schoolboy was killed following a knife attack in Kingstanding Birmingham on 31st May 2021.

Dea-John was chased and subjected to a torrent of racial abuse called the "N" word and a black "b".

The 5 accused white males were all found not guilty of joint enterprise murder and the young man that inflicted the injury was convicted of manslaughter despite chasing Dea-John with a knife whilst wearing gloves, a balaclava and hood. The whole incident was also captured on CCTV.

The Jury at Birmingham Crown consisted of 11 white members.

We are campaigning on behalf of the family for “Dea-Johns Law” which will consist of:

1. An end to juries that do not reflect the area in this case Birmingham, by bringing back jury challenges especially in race hate cases.”

2.  “A civil rights act to deal with the public racial abuse that Dea-John was subjected to.”

We have launched two petitions for which we require your support. Please sign the petition for More Ethnically Balanced Juries.

A quote from the impact statement of Joan Morris mother of Dea-John Reid:

“Upon reflection, I will never see Dea-John become a footballer or the dentist that he dreamed off, nor see Dea- John get engaged and married, nor see Dea-John have children, nor his own home or even just simply have a conversation with him face-to-face.

The final act of love I could show to my son was to ensure he had the send-off which he deserved.

Whilst Members of the perpetrator’s family will be able to visit their loved one and eventually see him released back in the community, my only visit to Dea-John, is to a grave in a cemetery.”

“he was hunted by a lynch mob, reminiscent of a scene from Mississippi Burning, being called a N**** and as evidence was given a black b***** and bang him out.”

 “A Jury that was not reflective of Birmingham, who bought the stories given by the defendants in this case and delivered a verdict against this young man in the dock of merely Manslaughter.”

We are pleased that we are now receiving support from the University of Birmingham as a part of this campaign for legislative change.

Everyone is welcome to attend the vigil and support the family of Dea-John Freid in their quest for Justice.

Support the Campaign for Justice 4 Dea-John Reid and Dea-Johns Law 


Bishop Dr.Desmond Jaddoo MBE

Chair Justice 4DeaJohn Campaign 


Defiance: Special Birmingham Screening


1964:  Making History