Strengthening Black LGBTQI+ Voices

Join us for this empowering lunch and talk event to amplify Black LGBTQI+ voices. Engage with our esteemed community leaders, participate in interactive workshops, and collectively discuss key issues. This is your chance to connect, share, and make a difference as a part of our strong community. Learn about your rights, share your power, and help shape policies to ensure a future free from fear and discrimination.

Who Should Attend

This event is for the Black LGBTQI+ community, leaders, activists, and allies committed to creating a more equitable society.

Benefits for Attendees

Attendees will:

  • Engage in insightful and empowering discussions

  • Contribute to the creation of the Black Britains Mandate

  • Network with community leaders and peers

  • Learn about the power of the Black vote

  • Contribute to shaping policies that impact the Black LQBTQI + communities.

Importance of Attendance

With the pending election, it's vital for Black communities to stand up, take action, and demand more from the government. This event will empower you to use your vote to advocate for a more equitable life.

Table Talk Discussion Areas

Justice, Immigration, and Rights

  • Address disproportionate policing, hate crimes, cultural competency training, and legal support.

  • Identify systemic changes and priority areas.

Culture, Awareness, Representation, and Respect

  • Enhance voter registration, political representation, and support for Black creatives.

  • Discuss systemic solutions and priorities.

Neighborhoods and Housing

  • Tackle homeownership, housing quality, and community engagement.

  • Identify and prioritise key issues.

This event will be hosted by the Black Equity Organisation (BEO) in partnership with Operation Black Vote (OBV) and UK Black Pride..

Join the conversation

BEO is here to listen


Register here.


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