Seeking the Pioneers: Website Development Team BRIG TENDER PROCESS

About The Birmingham Race Impact Group (BRIG)

We are proud citizens of Birmingham with lived experience of racism, who want to create and live in an anti-racist city.

To achieve this, we want to bring our many years of knowledge and experience as individual race equality policy practitioners to try something different that creates an anti-racist movement, which takes all the city's various stakeholders on a journey to achieve this.

Our Vision: An Anti-Racist City (*)

Our Mission: To Keep Race on the Agenda

Our objectives are to:

  • To hold institutions to account

  • To pass on the baton of the anti-racist movement to future generations.

Our Main activities include:

  • The Race History Detectives: teaching young people to learn from past anti-racist struggles and activities and to develop a repository of activism & best practice.

  • To establish a National Centre for World Cultures which creates a shared space to celebrate Birmingham as a superdiversity city.

  • To identify a series of cultural hot-spots and history trails in and around Birmingham

  • The Leadership Academy: to work with our academic institutions and create a benchmark for anti-racist leadership of a super-diverse city.

  • Creation and adoption of the Race Code: a kite mark for anti-racist organisations

  • To conduct primary research and to collect stories of those experiencing racism.

  • To collect and collate evidence of racism within the sectors of the city (education (HE & FE), social housing, health, criminal justice, social care, and the voluntary sector and to work within each sector to create a 10-year Race Action Plan.

  •  Through our mini summits, to work with communities, partners, and stakeholders to create an anti-racist city.

*Anti racist (a verb i.e. a doing word) i.e. doing/being proactiveAnti-racism is being proactive individually and collectively against the oppression of racialised groups and the causes, manifestations, and impacts of systemic racism."

Seeking the Pioneers: The Race History Detectives

Two years in development, “Seeking the Pioneers” has finally been made possible with the generous support of The National Lottery Heritage Fund.

Using money raised by National Lottery players, The National Lottery Heritage Fund supports projects that connect people and communities with the UK’s heritage.

Thanks to National Lottery players, BRIG will be able to “PASS THE BATTON” to future generations, whilst capturing the collective history of Birmingham’s rich and meaningful heritage of race activism.

This project has the potential to capture stories of the past and to engage and inspire future activists and historians.

The Website Development & Interactive Timeline will play a significant role in making our history visible, fun, engaging and relevant.  It will be the on-line outward face of the culmination of two years of work, and as such will be a testament to our success, our professionalism, our work and our credibility.

This is a monumental project!

We have within our living memory, a rich and colorful history, and it is in grave danger of being lost!

There is a plethora of activism and activities designed to unite people in the fight for racial justice. There has been a plethora of projects designed to address racism in the public realm, some of which have had monumental impact others have done more harm than good.  Large or small, impactful or inept, how can we hope to learn from the lessons of our past if we don’t know what they are?

Here in Birmingham, there have been significant movements led and promoted by the most unlikely of individuals. These are the heroes and heroines upon whose shoulders the freedoms and progress to date has been won.

Current and future generations remain largely unaware of the actions, the individuals, the organisations who fought and won the freedoms they now have.

Our heritage is in danger. It needs to be identified, captured, recorded, and preserved. It needs to be found if we are to learn from or build upon this legacy.

This is our history.

Seeking the Pioneers: The Race History Detectives

Consultancy Brief: Website Development

Budget: £20,000 to create website, timeline and to upload histories (this fee is our total budget and will include expenses and travel).

Once built , you will be expected to train our to update the website as new histories emerge.

N.B. We will build on the project in year 2, which has a budget of £5000 to add new histories.

The website must be maintained for a further 5 years – inclusive in the initial fee and be accessible to our media and Comms staff for small additions and changes.

Reporting To: The Project Manager & Development Officer

The Website Commission will begin in August 2024 and phase one be completed by October 2024 in time for our Black History Month Exhibition.

Project Summary

With the addition of our literature review and interviews with up to 20 people  (per annum), we will require an interactive timeline added to the BRIG website

This timeline will be graphic time from the 1940’s to present day where at decade intervals the viewer can see what “activism” took place, what research was unearthed and be able to hover over and connect with a person’s interview.

The dates and factual information will arise from a collection of interviews and factual dates about what happened in the past in the public and private sectors around anti-racism.

In addition, we want a constant (monthly) flow of social media, encouraging engagement of young people, and community members as well as the various key sectors in Birmingham.

The website will be:

  • Visually attractive and accessible to those with sight or hearing impediments (see NLHF guidance below)

  • Easy to navigate.

  • Will capture likes and hits.

  • Historically accurate based on the timeline provided.


The Web designer will:

  1. Have an understanding of the project parameters.

  2. Create the framework for an interactive timeline.

  3. Upload evidence of anti-racist activity.

  4. Undertake a review of all of the data/research/collections provided by us since 1940.

  5. Work closely with Museums, BCC, Universities, and community archives.

  6. Work closely with our comms officer to ensure that we make use of social media and marketing for the project.

This role is part of a drive to make race history research fun, essential and accessible.

Primary Responsibilities

  1. Interactive, user-friendly website design

  2. Web maintenance (agreed updates for 2 years, hosting for a further 5 years.

  3. Social media blog updates (provided by us).

  4. Agree project parameters.

  5. Connect with key players.

  6. Work with Comms/Media to agree & create visually attractive content.


In addition, you will:

  • Be passionate about anti-racism.

  • Report to the Development Officer on progress and issues


Person/Company Specification

  • Must have a track record and experience of delivering interactive websites.

  • Must have a track record of creating visually and aurally accessible content.

  • Must have experience of delivering web design and within a community setting.

  • Experience of working with researchers and in-house marketing staff is desirable.

  • Experience of working within an oral history research community is desirable.

  • Must have excellent communication and presentation skills.

  • Must be a competent wed designer who is able to deliver projects on time and on budget.


NLHF Digital Requirements

All digital content and outputs will need to be open licensed as per NLHF guidance:


All websites must adhere to basic NLHF accessibility checks.


Applicants will be assessed based on:

·  Value for Money (10%)

·  Experience (to include past projects and references) (50%)

·  The quality of Recommendations and Referrals (20%)

·  Their availability and ability to complete the project timescales and parameters. (20%)

For all tenders, we will require:

·  Your Name & Contact information

·  A methodology for undertaking the work (based on the brief).

·  Information on who will undertake the work, including CV(s) and relevant experience.

·  Examples of Websites you have built & host

·  A breakdown of the budget for undertaking the work – day rates and number of days allocated.

·  Confirmation of ability to undertake the work within the required timescales.

We will also require:

Names and contact details of 2 referees (these will be contacted is you are successful) to enable us to take these up and be able to confirm award of the contract.

Applications to By Monday 5th August 2024 Interviews on Friday 9th August 2024.


