The Psychosis of Whiteness - Kehinde Andrews

'Witty, energising and refreshing' 

Take a step through the looking-glass to a strange land, one where Piers Morgan is a voice worth listening to about race, where white people buy self-help books to help them cope with their whiteness, where Boris Johnson and Donald Trump are seen by the majority of the population as 'the right (white) man for the job'. Perhaps you know it. All the inhabitants seem to be afflicted by serious delusions, for example that racism doesn't exist and if it does it can be cured with a one-hour inclusion seminar, and bizarre collective hallucinations, like the widely held idea that Britain's only role in slavery was to abolish it.

But there is a serious side too. Society cannot face up to the racism at its heart and in its history, so the delusions, irrationalities and hallucinations it conjures up to avoid doing so can only best be described as a psychosis, with the costs being borne by the sons and daughters of that racist history. Living in a racist world is like living in a world that bears no resemblance to reality. Black and brown people suffer from a greater number of mental health difficulties too, caused in no small part by trying to survive a racist society.

Kehinde Andrews is your piercing, wry and not a little funny guide back to sanity, unpicking the absurd and outrageous lies society tells to keep up the status quo. 

The Psychosis of Whiteness is your lifeboat out of this topsy-turvy world.

Jeffrey Boakye

Kehinde Andrews' revelatory masterpiece bursts the bubble of pseudo-intellectual charm that surrounds and disguises the delusional philosophy of the racist societies we live in

Danny Dorling

The Psychosis of Whiteness  serves as a testament to Kehinde Andrews' exceptional ability to shed light on the far-reaching mechanisms of racism

David Lammy MP

A crucial, incisive and highly accessible academic commentary on racism and the pernicious processes that keep it in place. For those lulled by the idea of progress, 

The Psychosis of Whiteness will tear the scales from their eyes

Professor Nicola Rollock

This is an important book, an honest book, and a book that anyone who disagrees with Kehinde would do well to read. I'm personally so grateful to Kehinde for presenting his experiences and insights in this way, because he offers a truly vital perspective on racism and racial inequity. For anyone seeking to empower themselves over a white supremacy that seeks to consume us all, this is genuinely an essential read. Witty, energising and refreshing, the Psychosis of Whiteness  is a book of anti-racist activism from one of our most important thinkers in the field

Jeffrey Boakye

The Psychosis of Whiteness is a smart, essential and rational takedown of the myths that uphold white supremacy, and systems and people that promote it across our society

Dipo Faloyin

A book as thought provoking as its title. Kehinde Andrews continues to explore new areas of critical thinking, that while uncomfortable, is required in order for change to occur

Yomi Sode

Kehinde Andrews tells the truth to power. Courageous and very readable, this book is a remarkable and enriching work which shines a light on many dark places

Ron Ramdin

A phenomenal book - brilliant, revelatory, rebellious, rigorous, informative, entertaining and bloody funny. It has become one of my very favourite books. This is an important piece of work that will better our nation and better our understanding of this world

Nels Abbey


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